Let me introduce you to Internet Hill. A hill with no internet.
Even though it is technically off-Campus, if you ask anyone what is the best place to see the sunset, contemplate the valley, think, be alone, reflect on life...they will send you to Internet Hill.

Even though it is technically off-Campus, if you ask anyone what is the best place to see the sunset, contemplate the valley, think, be alone, reflect on life...they will send you to Internet Hill.
The first time I was there, was the day I arrived in MUWCI (I hadn't eaten or taken a shower in three days and yes, I was wearing the wrong shoes), but I was so impressed, that I promised myself I would go back soon...and then I forgot about it. Until last Sunday.
Even though people usually go to Internet Hill in groups, I decided to go alone (because I am a strong independent woman..!). Never in my life have I walked faster. A hike that usually takes about 30 minutes (at least for couch potatoes like myself), took 11. All because I wanted to see the sun set. And I was not disappointed.

Life never ceases to amaze me. Keep rocking, Internet Hill.

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