If you read yesterday's post you'll remember that we finished right in the middle of the story, when my friend Srishti and I were enjoying the beach.
Well, next day we were given some plastic bags to pick up the trash that's left behind by the fishermen and tourists on the beach. The best part of my day was that my camera got a lot of wild action (*wink, wink*) because there were many little creatures that decided to pose for my lens.
Well, next day we were given some plastic bags to pick up the trash that's left behind by the fishermen and tourists on the beach. The best part of my day was that my camera got a lot of wild action (*wink, wink*) because there were many little creatures that decided to pose for my lens.

Some days after, something amazing happened.
We woke up at around four in the morning in order to go hunting for snakes with the Irula, an Indian tribe that makes a living out of catching snakes, getting their venom in order to make antidotes, and releasing the snakes back into the wild.

The day looked promising. It seemed like it was going to be sunny and gorgeous and even though we weren't particularly happy about waking up early, the sunrise mesmerised us. It was definitely one of the best things we saw that week.

Finally, our walk turned much more interesting when we found a Cobra. Well actually, the Irula found her rolled up in a little hole and we ran to see it. They showed us how snakes won't immediately attack even though they feel threatened but will wait until they are provoked several times.
Here is a photo of my recently-acquired friend rocking a sexy pose for the lens.

I still can't believe that I was this close to a wild Cobra and I lived to tell the tale. I don't think it's necessary to mention that I felt like such a pro when I got the photo, right? (Besides, I was the only one allowed this close because I had the camera. Privileges. Hehe).
In one of our last days we went to the nearby towns to get some sightseeing done (who am I kidding, we went shopping). We had a lot of fun and I fell madly in love with Southern India. The food is just too good.
We visited a pair of temples located just right next to the beach, and the view has been the best in the world.

We took a group picture that has become one of the prettiest memories of our trip. I love our diversity and ever since we went back to MUWCI, I have missed Kayleigh's pink hair randomly appearing in the middle of the crowd, Xueying's eternal good mood, Srishti's sarcastic comments and Rowan's cute face. My group was so nice and this week was truly special.

Top (left to right): Enie (Malaysia) & Young (South Korea)
Bottom (left to right): Shebaz (Bangladesh), Xueying (China), Srishti (India/USA), Ariane (India/France), Amarnath (India), Amy (UK), Cary (Jamaica), Tanvi (India), Eleanor (Singapore), Me, Kayleigh (Wales), Omari (Jamaica) & Rowan (UK).
Oh! By the way, there were no carpenter ants. But we did have mosquitos. Lots of them.
Finally, I have mande a tiny video of the three main animals that we saw in the Croc Bank (crocs, turtles and snakes) during their feedings. It's mixed with some beach shots because...well because I can. I hope you like it (and remember I have no talent for filming/editing!).
So...yes, I have reached the end of my week and the next posts you'll see (soon, very soon) will probably be very, very different.
As always, thanks for reading. It means a lot to me.
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