One of my favourite things to do at home (and the one I miss the most when I'm gone), is being able to roam the streets of the Historic City Centre.
It is here where some of the most special moments for my country have taken place, like the Independence Conspiracies at the ancient Mayor's Home or the signing of the Mexican Constitution of 1917 (which is still in force!).
However, I love visiting the City Centre because it is there where the smell of Mexican snacks blends with the laughter of kids playing in the parks, the voices of the balloon vendors and the thousand colors of the tiny stalls aligned one after the other.
This week I went out to get to lost in the streets in order to be able to share some photos of my town (yes, it's mine!) over here on the blog.

(In case you were wondering: the gun is fake and the baby is too!)
One of the best things about walking around town is finding artists like the ones above, who dress up as statues of Revolutionary times and stay very still, suddenly surprising you when you walk by or give them a few coins. Seeing them around is usually pretty fun (and the reactions of the public...priceless!).
Anyhow, my absolute favourite activity is to roam all the lonely streets because they tell stories. There is a certain kind of warmth involved in seeing the busy women walk the streets in a hurry, grocery bag in hand; the old ladies peeking through their windows. It all makes my heart melt.

On the other hand, even the busiest streets have magic of their own. There are stores everywhere and you can hear the vendors advertise their products: everything from food & art to jewellery and local gems. These streets are filled with colour and noises. These streets make me smile.

My favourite place in the whole world is a tiny street called Andador Libertad, or the Walk of the Artists. It is in this little nook where most of the painters & sculptors gather to exhibit and sell their work. There is always something new to admire.
(Besides, at the very end of the corridor you can find one of my favourite getaways, GalerĂa Libertad, an art gallery that never ceases to amaze me with its exhibitions. This week they've chosen photographs by Mary Ellen Mark -some of which were taken in India and have made me smile real wide).

It is precisely this part of town where you can find all sorts of knick-knacks, including the prettiest colonial buildings.

It is also here where you can visit a lot of restaurants with every style imaginable -almost all of which offer Mexican food (because it is the best in the world!).

We've also got some pretty rad sculptures in the most random of places. And a church in every corner. Literally.

If you happen to visit the City Centre early in the morning, you can see the vendors setting up their stalls, opening their stores, or preparing the stoves & heating the comal (where we make tortillas) in order to receive all of the tourists who drop by.
If you are feeling lucky, you can close your eyes and stay very still. You will feel how the city awakens and the sun shines a little brighter. That's when you will understand this is the warm feeling of home.

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