Next to the Olympic Stadium and right in front of the Botanical Gardens lies one of Montreal's hidden gems & an underrated tourist attraction: The Olympic Tower.

Standing at 165 meters tall and with views spanning over 80 km of the St. Lawrence River and nearby zones, the Olympic Tower of Montreal is the world's highest inclined tower, with an angle of 45º (the Tower of Pisa stands at an angle of 5º) as well as the only one to have a funicular that works on a curved structure.

The best part? It offers the very best views of the city.

From the east side, it is possible to see the St. Lawrence River & Île-Ste. Hélène, which holds Montreal's most popular theme park: La Ronde. On the opposite side of the bridge is the town of Longueuil.

From here it is also possible to see the Olympic Stadium, where the Mexican team América defeated Montreal back when I was new to Canada!

The view on the opposite window is of the industrial district, and the weird structure seen on the left bottom side of the picture is Montreal's Biodôme, my next stop.
The Biodôme has a small zoo and a tiny aquarium which are home to wildlife of over four different ecosystems. The structure was originally a Velodrome built for the Olympic Games of 1976, and has since been repurposed. Among the things I saw inside:

And finally, as I was trying to get pictures of fish in the aquarium, I was photobombed by a stingray!

Even though I had a good time overall, I expected the Biodôme to have a bigger variety of animals and was really disappointed on how small it actually is. I don't think I would go back given the chance, but as a first time visitor it was definitely cool. Especially the warnings on ibis poo. Those were my absolute fave.

Thanks for reading!
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