Monday, September 5, 2016

To new beginnings.

There is something endearing about new beginnings. 

The shy manner in which the sun shines when its rising. The way in which a new week feels crisp, and a new year feels like a white canvas, ready to be filled with whatever the heart desires. I know my blog has been left a white canvas for too long now. 

When I started this blog, I was a few weeks shy from turning 18. I was moving to India where I would write all about experiencing a different culture and living on top of a hill with people coming from all corners of the world. What I wanted to achieve here was a conversation between myself and the people I was leaving behind, and I think my accomplishments went above and beyond my expectations.

After a few months, I moved to Canada, and the blog shifted into an account of learning how to live on my own, as well as detailing my tourist outings and other random shenanigans. I did this because I wanted to keep that conversation going, but mostly because it is through writing that I can give my life any sort of purpose.

Two years and barely 31 blog posts later, I am 20 years old, and writing from an apartment in the U.S., where I have been living for a year. Tomorrow I'll be starting my sophomore year of college. 

How time freaking flies. 

I know I have been away from the blog for a long time, but I want to give myself the gift of starting a new conversation. Of what, I am still unsure. I will try to be around here as often as I possibly can, but I must warn you, my life right now has the chaos of a Boccioni, the nonconformity of all the Dada, and the vividness of the most colorful Matisse. That's the endearing part of new beginnings, right? You rarely, if ever, know where they are going to lead. 

Until then, and always, thanks for reading. 

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